RT-HIL Academy offers consulting services and online courses in the field of Real-Time Hardware-In-the-Loop (RT-HIL) simulation

About RT-HIL Academy

We are passionate about modeling and simulation!

Real-time simulation has made it possible to interface models of complex systems with actual hardware to run experiments that could have been costly, risky, or even impossible to perform on actual systems.

Having more than a decade of experience in design, implementation, and maintenance of real-time hardware-in-the-loop (RT-HIL) simulation facilities, we have created this training platform to offer online courses in which, not only the participants become familiar with RT-HIL simulation concepts, but also they gain valuable hands-on experience by remotely accessing our RT-HIL simulation facility. In addition, we offer consulting services to individuals and organizations who want to start an RT-HIL simulation facility.

At RT-HIL Academy, we are proud to strive for bringing this fascinating technology to the fingertips of our customers worldwide.

RT-HIL Academy is a limited liability company (LLC), incorporated in the State of New York.