Thinking of having your own real-time hardware-in-the-loop (RT-HIL) simulation facility?
- Not sure which real-time simulator meets the requirements of your applications? RTDS? OPAL-RT? Typhoon HIL? dSPACE?
- Wondering what amplifier is worth buying? Megger? Doble? AE Techron?
- Having doubts what programmable controller can host your application? National Instrument CompactRIO? Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories RTAC? General Electric Power Gateway?
- Interested in implementing a Synchrophasor system?
- Uncertain about the architecture of your facility with respect to precise time distribution, communication network, and electrical connections?
- Just don’t know where to start from?

We have over a decade of experience in design, procurement, implementation, documentation, and maintenance of RT-HIL simulation facilities for industry and academia, in Europe and North America. Here are just a few ways we can be of help.

We can help you with the design of the architecture of your RT-HIL simulation facility. The designed architecture shows what hardware and software are needed and how they should be interconnected. The designed architecture consists of several layers, including but not limited to, Precise Time Layer, Communication Layer, and Electrical Layer.
We can help you with the selection of vendors who can provide you with high quality hardware and software that are needed to realize your RT-HIL simulation facility. This would include negotiating with vendors to ensure that you procure top-notch but cost-efficient solutions.

We can help you in cabling, configuration settings, software installation, testing, and several other activities that are needed for the seamless integration of the procured hardware and software to commission your RT-HIL simulation facility.
We can help you with a thorough documentation of your RT-HIL simulation facility in an offline or online platform of your choice. The documentation would act as a reference book that includes the architecture, configuration settings, guideline, and how-tos.

We can help you in fixing the equipment malfunctioning which may happen every now and then, due to various reasons such as incompatibilities caused by firmware and software upgrades.
We can help you with a thorough training that is tailored to the unique specifications of your RT-HIL simulation facility, so that you can run and maintain it on your own.

Who We've Worked With:

Please contact us at consulting@rt-hil.com for more information.